Boise on Parade - Mid 20th Century

It was the post-World War II era of Happy Days. It saw the birth of Boise Junior College which would grow into our present day BSU. It was a time when Boise was the epicenter of our Treasure Valley, before families pressed out into what would become our current day “bedroom communities.” It was a time that saw the growth of major homegrown businesses such as Albertsons, Morrison-Knudsen, and Simplot. It was a time when banks were local and the population was measured in tens of thousands rather than hundreds of thousands. This collection is a small sample of the wealth of images available from this era, which also witnessed the birth of popular photography (Instamatics and Polaroids!). For many these represent the stuff of important early memories. For many they provide a glimpse backward at their parents’ and grandparents’ history. For all of us they are a reminder that while much has changed….much remains as it always has been in our State Capitol.

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